You're Either on the Bus, or off the Bus

Commuting by mass transit: Think of it as 25 minutes of heaven. With material. Just like the Merry Pranksters, my fellow commuters seem to have a few, shall we say, boundary issues--which are all endlessly entertaining.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Morning Commute, by the Numbers

Thursday, this is how the Number 37 bus going into town looked, by the numbers:

Men making last-minute adjustments to their comb-overs: 3

Young women sharing and applying the same stick of roll-on deodorant under the work clothes they were already wearing: 2

Women trying to apply lip liner while the bus went over construction speed bumps, to disastrous results: 1

High schoolers trying to snort Capri-Sun in through one nostril and out through the other: 4

Number who succeeded: 1

Men trimming nose hair while reading The New York Times: 1

1 comment:

  1. Neato! Bookmarking this one. I take the commuter routes every day. They are a little less crazy than the Metros, sounds like.
